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Rbenv Does Not Work In Aptana Terminal For Mac

Rbenv Does Not Work In Aptana Terminal For Mac
  1. Rbenv Doesn't Work In Aptana Terminal For Mac
  2. Rbenv Does Not Work In Aptana Terminal For Mac Free

So now I uninstalled rbenv and my terminal is giving me. IMac-de-admin:~ AdrienLarere$. Of rbenv, which you helped solve, and then it was just the normal terminal, with o-m-z installed but for some reason not working. Terminal denies access to my main directory More Less. Apple Footer. Rbenv does not work in aptana terminal for Mac OS X rbenv is the best solution to to pick a ruby version for your specific environment. However, even if rbenv has been installed successfully, the “Terminal” in Aptana Studio cannot stop choose the system default ruby version.


This time of the year I usually have a little time to go through the notes I made over the course of the last 12 month. Most of them are some howtos and write-ups of some of the things I learned or recipes I’d like to use again in the future. One of those write-ups cover some of the steps I undertake to setup a new box running Mac OS. This usually happens once or twice a year and I often forget some things that distract me on a later occasion. I think those notes could be useful to someone else as well so I’ll share them here. Content.

A word of caution: The list is deliberately not extensive but is intended as a minimal setup that should get the average developer a long way on OS X. It’s also not meant to provide an automatic way to prepare the system. I rather use it as a reminder and to copy/paste some of the more verbose commands like the brew setup stuff. All programs listed should be free or at least provide a free version. Command Line first I’m not a fan of fancy Gui tools and on a descent shell over clicking some buttons. So this setup will be mainly concerned with command line tools.

Terminal Let’s kick of with the tool every programmer needs every day: a descent terminal app. The terminal app that comes with OS X does the job but once you’ve tried there is no going back again.

It packs a lot of useful features into the bag like split panes, a very nice search and triggers that can react to arbitrary output. Once the terminal is covered everything else can be attacked. Brew and brew-cask is a very convenient way to install command line tools and since some time you can use to install OS X applications. Astonishing how much more convenient it is to install applications that way! First install brew: ruby -e '$(curl -fsSL Then brew-cask: brew install caskroom/cask/brew-cask When using brew cask install I like to add the -appdir=/Application option which will create a symlink to the newly installed app in the global application directory. Some basic system tools Dropbox Almost ridiculous how useful this app can be. Installable with brew-cask: brew cask install -appdir='/Applications' dropbox Dropbox helps me to make most of my profiles and projects available on every machine I work on.

Rbenv Does Not Work In Aptana Terminal For Mac

Rbenv Doesn't Work In Aptana Terminal For Mac

And since I mainly have text files in my dropbox, the free account is all I need. It’s a great way to share configuration-settings.

If -f /.bashrccommon ; then. /.bashrccommon fi My.bashrc for instance is split into a part that is portable across Mac and Linux systems (.bashrccommon) so that one is symlinked into my dropbox folder and included in the.bashrc files of every machine.bashrccommon - Dropbox/dotfiles/.bashrccommon Quicksilver An application launcher is essential, Quicksilver has been a worthy companion for many years. Seems to be more fashionable these days but so far I never tried it. Brew cask install -appdir='/Applications' quicksilver Asepsis Ever wondered if there is a way to get rid of those stupid.DSStore files Mac OS creates automatically? Those files are meant to serve as a general-purpose store for metadata, mostly used by Apple’s Finder.

The are hidden by default, but developers notice them of course. And they can really be a problem when working with network drives. A rather smart solution to deal with them is implemented with Asepsis.

It migrates all.DSStore files to a separate folder ( /usr/local/.dscage/) and keeps your folders clear of them. brew cask install -appdir='/Applications' Asepsis asepsisctl diagnose Your Asepsis installation seems to be OK asepsisctl migratein migrating all.DSStore files from /Users/muellero into /usr/local/.dscage.

Rbenv Does Not Work In Aptana Terminal For Mac Free

Rbenv Does Not Work In Aptana Terminal For Mac

Moved 208.DSStore file(s) into the prefix folder The holy cow - The Text Editor You probably will spend a lot of time using it, so better find a good fit for yourself. I’m a Vim-person, so that is what I install. And since some of the plugins I use need lua support, I enable this for the build. Brew install vim -with-luajit I won’t get into vim configuations, that is too individual. But keeping your editors configuration in an easily accessible place is always a good thing (I keep my vim configuration on so I just need to clone my repository and install my plugins with my plugin manager). If vim is not your thing, emacs and Sublime Text both are available on brew-cask.

Essential command line utilities All of the following utilities are best installed with brew install.

Rbenv Does Not Work In Aptana Terminal For Mac